Lakeside is accepting donations to the Flathead Warming Center for World Kindness Day.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
kindness day poster
Still some little monsters around the halls at Lakeside.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
paper frankenstein
Turkeys are starting to get nervous....
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
paper turkey
Still some little monsters around the halls at Lakeside.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
paper frankenstein
Mathematical Owl.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
Colorful Owl
Mathematical Owl.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
colorful owl
Turkeys are starting to get nervous....
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
paper turkey
Happy Veteran's Day.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
soldier salutes
Veteran's Day program at Lakeside tomorrow at 2:00 P.M.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
heart veteran's poster
A leaf art shark from Lakeside.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
leaf art
Another leaf art creature.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
leaf art
Some fishy artwork in the hallway at Lakeside.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
fishy art
A few of our younger 4-Hers from different clubs, cleaned up the front of their Lakeside school, for their upcoming Veterans Day assembly!
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
kids in front of school
Don't miss the book fair. This week at Lakeside.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
book fair poster
Beautiful fall leaves from Lakeside.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
colorful leaves
Beautiful fall leaves from Lakeside.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
colorful leaves
Fall leaves.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
tree with red leaves
Looks like a little witch's brew cooking at Lakeside.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
steaming cauldron
Looks like a little witch's brew cooking at Lakeside.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
steaming cauldron
The middle school chorus performed at FVCC.
10 months ago, Somers Lakeside District 29
chorus on stage