We are looking forward to the start of the 2024/2025 school year on September 3rd . I am hoping this report finds you enjoying the last bit of summer.
At the Board meeting Monday evening the Trustees approved the budget for the 2024/2025 school year. We are grateful for the ongoing support of the community as we continue to strive to be good stewards of the public funding that our district receives.
There was a discussion regarding the vandalism of the Lakeside Elementary playground in July. A new part has been ordered, but we are uncertain of the delivery date. In the meantime, we are looking into ways that we can mitigate further damage from occurring.
We say farewell and best wishes to Tina Rhodes, Somers Middle School math teacher. We welcome Alexis Koehn as the new Somers Middle School math teacher. We also welcome Shannon Allard as a paraprofessional. There are other paraprofessional positions that are currently open. Pay ranges from 16.24 to 17.74 per hour depending on experience. District health insurance and other benefits are available.
Wishing you an amazing sun-filled summer! Looking forward to next year,
Kimberly Eisenlohr